«Electronpobutprylad» plant produces AC single-phase commutator motors to work at the main with industrial frequency of 50 Hz, standard voltage of 127 V or 220 V, revolution frequency from 10000 to 20000 revolutions per minute and power to 300Wt.


AC motors are used not only in domestic articles of its own production, but are supplied to the manufacturers of electric household appliances, electric home instruments and different electromechanical systems, including laboratory equipment of grain processing enterprises.


«Electronpobutprylad» plant produces a wide model range of DC motors of 12 V and 24 V supply voltage both for its own needs and to order of Ukrainian consumers and for export.


DC motors of «Electronpobutprylad» plant production are used in manufacture of climatic systems for motor transport: fluid heaters of various types for buses, trucks and commercial cars, constructional engineering and equipment of a special purpose, produced by «Spheros-Electron» Joint Ukrainian-German venture – the only manufacturer of the arrangements in Ukraine. The motors are also used as drives for snowplough of rail, motor and passenger transport, in NC machines and in military industry, in manufacture of agricultural mobile devices (for an example, honey extractors), non-typical equipment and other production.


A new sphere of «Electronpobutprylad» plant activity is production of electric motors-reducers. Electric motors-reducers of the pant production has a wide practical application, this is: motor engineering, machine-tool construction, control devices and automation systems, servo drives, automated and automatic control systems, special tools and non-typical equipment. This is a reliable mechanism used in different fields due to its incontestable qualities: compactness, a high efficiency factor, maintenance simplicity.


In particular, at the plant the production of motors-reducers for urban electric transport door opening-closing drive, automatic garage gates, running gear and manipulators of mobile robotized complexes of special purpose and other civil and military industry are developed and mastered.